ShadeCores -Support
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A game by Core-Series
May 27 2024
Today we have an extra server-save at 11:25 to load an upgraded version of the anticheat into the game.
May 03 2024
Client version 1.02 has been released, if you are using the Wine client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Apr 16 2024
ShadeCores will officially launch on April 24 at 17:00 CEST
Mar 14 2024
Website of ShadeCores is being prepared to become public sometime during March 14.
Jan 26 2024
ShadeCores private test-phase will start today there select people with invites will be able to login and test out the game.
Changelog: Latest entry was made 23 days ago. Cheaters: Latest cheater deleted 2 days ago.
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Features -Poison storm
Views: 386
Almost every OT either has ticking poison damage from around 50 counting down until 0, while others have an instant damage followed by poison or some other mixtures.

While in reality, damage of the poison storm is decided by level and magic level, from the first tick of damage, it decreases with a few % until it reaches 0, and thanks to the % based reduce between ticks, it doesn't matter if you're level 50, or 500, the poison storm will last about as long anyway, just a few seconds extra for much higher levels, while the total damage is of course much higher even though the amount of ticks seems to be the same.

Additionally, poison storm is larger than ultimate explosion!
Posion Storm

Compared with Ultimate Explosion.
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