ShadeCores -News
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A game by Core-Series
Aug 08 2024
Due to an unexpected side effect of latest update that removed guild images, guilds will have to upload their guild logos again for them to be visible.
May 27 2024
Today we have an extra server-save at 11:25 to load an upgraded version of the anticheat into the game.
May 03 2024
Client version 1.02 has been released, if you are using the Wine client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Apr 16 2024
ShadeCores will officially launch on April 24 at 17:00 CEST
Mar 14 2024
Website of ShadeCores is being prepared to become public sometime during March 14.
Changelog: Latest entry was made 26 days ago. Cheaters: Latest cheater deleted 4 hours ago.
This is the changelog of ShadeCores
Items highlighted in red are changes that haven't been applied yet!
Jan 12 2024
V 1.01
Removed Fungis.
Jan 12 2024
V 1.01
Removed Greybacks.
Jan 12 2024
V 1.01
Removed Okolnir.
Jan 12 2024
V 1.01
Made runes-non-stackable.
Jan 11 2024
V 1.01
Made vials non-stackable.
Jan 11 2024
V 1.01
Removed daily quests and tiny creatures.
Jan 11 2024
V 1.01
Removed support for item-hotkeys.
Jan 11 2024
V 1.01
Removed support for various scrolls such as Rashid, Djinns, Postman and more.
Jan 11 2024
V 1.01
Removed training dummy.
Jan 11 2024
V 1.01
Removed Sudoku.
Jan 11 2024
V 1.01
Updated discord links.
Jan 11 2024
V 1.01
Cleaned out world-differences and made many settings static, such as antibot type, pace type and more.
Jan 11 2024
V 1.01
Removed support for different exp-types in client. (using static rates for cleanest and smoothest client)
Jan 11 2024
V 1.01
Removed "game settings" that had options to toggle GACC light, Full Light and remove empty vials.
Jan 10 2024
V 1.01
Removed GACC Light / Full-Light.
Jan 10 2024
V 1.01
Removed world pace/anticheat info.
Jan 10 2024
V 1.01
Removed character auctions.
Jan 07 2024
V 1.01
Downgraded depots to original state.
Jan 07 2024
V 1.01
Removed market.
Jan 07 2024
V 1.01
Downgraded to original 32p graphics.

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