ShadeCores -Library
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A game by Core-Series
May 27 2024
Today we have an extra server-save at 11:25 to load an upgraded version of the anticheat into the game.
May 03 2024
Client version 1.02 has been released, if you are using the Wine client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Apr 16 2024
ShadeCores will officially launch on April 24 at 17:00 CEST
Mar 14 2024
Website of ShadeCores is being prepared to become public sometime during March 14.
Jan 26 2024
ShadeCores private test-phase will start today there select people with invites will be able to login and test out the game.
Changelog: Latest entry was made 2 days ago. Cheaters: Latest cheater deleted 20 hours ago.
Items > Runes
# Name Mlvl Charges Weight Spell
animate dead rune 2 1 1.20 adana mort
antidote rune 0 1 1.20 adana pox
blank rune 0 0 1.20
chameleon rune 4 1 1.20 adevo ina
convince creature rune 5 1 1.20 adeta sio
desintegrate rune 4 3 1.20 adito tera
destroy field rune 3 3 1.20 adito grav
energy bomb rune 10 2 1.20 adevo mas vis
energy field rune 3 3 1.20 adevo grav vis
energy wall rune 9 4 1.20 adevo mas grav vis
envenom rune 4 1 1.20 adevo res pox
explosion rune 6 3 1.20 adevo mas hur
fire field rune 1 3 1.20 adevo grav flam
fire wall rune 6 4 1.20 adevo mas grav flam
fireball rune 2 3 1.20 adori flam
firebomb rune 5 2 1.20 adevo mas flam
great fireball rune 4 2 1.20 adori gran flam
heavy magic missile rune 3 5 1.20 adori gran
intense healing rune 1 1 1.20 adura gran
light magic missile rune 0 5 1.20 adori
magic wall rune 9 3 1.20 adevo grav tera
paralyze rune 18 1 1.20 adana ani
poison bomb rune 4 2 1.20 adevo mas pox
poison field rune 1 3 1.20 adevo grav pox
poison wall rune 5 4 1.20 adevo mas grav pox
soulfire rune 7 2 1.20 adevo res flam
sudden death rune 15 1 1.20 adori vita vis
ultimate healing rune 4 1 1.20 adura vita
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